When you Minecraft, you will always encounter the mob, which is a creature other than yourself and other players if you are multiplayer. There are enemy mobs that attack, and neutral mobs that attack, and friendly mobs that do nothing. This time, I would like to summarize the items that drop when mobs are defeated.
Perhaps the most defeated is this mob. There are rare drops from some, and not only items but also TT, etc. are often made for experience value purposes.
Zombies include zombies, husks, drowns, and zombie pigman (there are villager zombies, but not introduced in this article).

Carrion will drop any kind of zombie. The most valuable of these is the iron ingot. Very rarely, it drops carrots and potatoes in addition to iron ingots. In addition, items may be dropped from zombies with iron swords or zombies with iron shovels that occasionally spawn.


There are many rare drops such as Trident, Nautilus and Gold Ingot. In particular, Trident is only available as a drop at 1.14. Would be worth defeating for item purposes.
Trident drop probability
Normal drowned
No enchanting = 2.5%
Drop increase I = 3.5%
Drop increase II = 4.5%
Drop increase III = 5.5%
Trident with drown
No enchanting = 8.5%
Drop increase I = 9.5%
Drop increase II = 10.5%
Drop increase III = 11.5%
The minimum drop probability for Trident is 2.5%, which means that about 1 in 40 will drop. The highest probability is over 10%, so about 1 in 10 will drop. In any case, it is recommended to add drop increase III.
The nautilus has a drop rate of almost 100% from the drown. The chance of spawning with you is 3%, so it’s roughly 3%.

Zombie Pigman drops gold-related things such as gold bullion, gold ingot, and gold sword, in addition to rotting meat.
This time I tried a summary article for the first time. The mobs introduced here are also made TTs for the purpose of items and experience points, and if you understand the features well, you will know how to kill them more efficiently and TT. I would also like to write this type of article.